Almost staying at various lab throughout the past several weeks. Exhausted...
Some minor changes to make the interface coherent
Almost staying at various lab throughout the past several weeks. Exhausted...
Some minor changes to make the interface coherent
為慶祝雙十節,老遠地從宿舍走到淘大看無間度。一向對港產片不太感興趣,大體只會download vcd看,看來今後要另眼相看了。不過論深度及技巧倒是大隻佬高一點。劉華的戲也演得愈來愈好了,畢竟他是在演好「劉華」這個角色...
The day eventually comes...
My UCFYP finally kick off and start collecting data. Help me to fill out this questionnaire. Maybe its a bit too long, but every of your words count!